Pau d’Arco is a powerful medicinal herb that is widely used in the treatment of cancer, arthritis, candida, and bacterial and viral infections. It is an effective detoxifier and purifier of the blood and is also known to be highly beneficial for asthma, diabetes, herpes, leukaemia, anaemia, hepatitis, cystitis, gastritis, Hodgkin’s disease, lupus, and Parkinson’s disease. One of the most profound benefits of pau d’Arco is its anti-tumour compounds that can help shrink and eliminate tumours from the body. This is one of the reasons why pau d’arco has become a popular herb for those battling cancer. Pau d’arco also contains a compound called lapachol which has been shown to activate lymphocytes and white blood cells which significantly strengthens the immune system. Pau d’arco also has the ability to provide pain relief for those suffering with nerve pain, joint pain, or muscle pain as well as the pain that can sometimes accompany post-chemotherapy. Pau d’arco is also excellent at helping to remove parasites from the digestive tract and can help the body balance out from E.coli or salmonella poisoning. Pau d’arco is often recommended to be used as a mouthwash for gum and tooth infections and as a douche for candida and yeast infections.